Monday, April 25, 2011

Cool Freezers in Hurricane Season

June first and hurricane season will be here before you know it. Hurricanes in this part of Florida mostly mean big storms and no power. No power in rural areas, means no water, when you live on a well. Some people were without power for over 1 month in this area in 2004. I can't solve that with this solution, but it helps for a couple days.

The fuller your freezer is, the more efficiently it runs. The already frozen food keeps the temperature cooler than the empty space does.

If you fill water tight, plastic containers with water and put them in your freezer, you'll have a more efficient freezer (helping the electric bill), drinking water when there isn't any, and a freezer that will keep food frozen longer than one that's half empty when there isn't any power.

*Be sure to leave some empty space for the water to expand in the containers when it freezes.

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